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Protocols and brochures
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Quick Guide for Smart Dentin Grinder Genesis:
Provides the quick guide for the new smart dentin grinder genesis protocol.
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Quick Guide Smart Dentin Grinder Original:
Provides the quick guide for the standard protocol.
How to store dentin graft for later use:
Protocol provides two methods for storing dentin graft for future use for same patient.
Dentin Graft Accelerator protocol:
A protocol to produce a partial demineralized dentin graft for accelerated bone regen.
Creating 'Sticky Bone' protocol:
Protocol demonstrate effective way to create Sticky Bone with dentin graft.
Clinical Videos
Introductory video:
Dentin grafting rationale
Dentin Bone Augmentation - The Movie by Dr. Marius Leretter
Case by Dr. Isaac Tawil
The Smart Dentin Grinder
Case of the Week: KometaBio Ridge Preservation (without PRF)

Clinical cases for autologous dental graft 

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